Armocromia is a discipline that analyzes colors under some qualitative aspects such as saturation, temperature, depth and contrast, identifying which are the most suitable colors for each person for clothing, hair, make-up, cataloging and defining their season. armocromatica.
Unfortunately, it must be said that it is not an exact science but it helps us to understand and identify its own color palette through a detailed analysis of colors. The word armocromia derives from the Greek terms harmony and chroma and precisely means harmony of color.
Before describing the method of identifying the most appropriate color palette for each person in relation to clothing, make-up, hair, etc., and therefore before building an image consistent with the person, it is necessary to know it and establish a personal profile that will allow us to satisfy what is truly mirrored with the personality of the person.
There are some parameters that can be taken into consideration such as: physical appearance, lifestyle, identifying an image that the person wants to project, defining personal colors, establishing preferences and the objective of the person. na and finally the personality.
In the next article we will write about these characteristics to be analyzed to better define the concept of the customer's personal profile. Follow us by signing up and clicking here in our newsletter to be updated.