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General conditions of Sale




Update September 2020

Introduction - Effectiveness of the General Conditions - Modifications

These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter, the General Conditions) have as their object the regulation of the purchase of products and services, carried out remotely and made available, via the internet, from the website www.colorimetriapplicata.com (hereinafter, the site). In the case of supply, free of charge or for a fee, of Kobo e-books / e-readers (available in the "e-shop" section), these conditions are integrated and, where in contrast, replaced by the "General Conditions of supply of the service and -book ”that follow.

2.- The products made available on the Site consist mainly of books, compact discs, DVDs and other similar audiovisual media as well as theoretical and practical training products (video courses-practical courses-tutorials); the services made available by the Site are those connected with the sale of the aforementioned products. All the products and services offered are illustrated in detail on the home page of the Site (https://www.colorimetriapplicata.com/e-shop), broken down by product category ("Books", "tutorials", "courses", "ebooks", "linkdigitali,products for hair, shampoos, finishing ecc").

3.- Professional pursuant to article 3, paragraph 1 letter c) of the Consumer Code is Claudio Terrible PArrucchiere (hereinafter, "Claudio Terrible Hairdresser"), with registered office on 2 June, 17, 84091 Battipaglia, (SA) with PI 05331900653

4.- All purchases of products and services made through the Site (hereinafter the Purchase Contracts) by users who access it (hereinafter, the Customers) are governed by the General Conditions as well as by the other provisions and operating instructions contained in the Site. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the aforementioned provisions and operating instructions and the contents of the General Conditions, the latter prevail.

5.- Any operation and / or payment conditions that may be granted to the Customer in derogation from the General Conditions will be valid only if Claudio Terrible Hairdresser has accepted this derogation condition in writing.

6.- The provisions of these General Conditions apply equally to all Customers, except for those provisions for which it has been expressly provided for applicability only to Consumer Customers. By "Consumer Customer" we mean a natural person who purchases the products or services offered by the Site for purposes unrelated to any business or professional activity carried out; for the purposes of these General Conditions, it is assumed that the Customer who is not a "Consumer Customer"

send a proposal to purchase products or services by simultaneously entering your VAT number in the Site area relating to the Customer's personal data. Furthermore, articles 45 to 67 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (hereinafter the "Consumer Code").

7.- Claudio Terrible Hairdresser invites each Customer to carefully read, before carrying out each purchase operation, these General Conditions and, once the purchase procedure provided for by the Site has been completed, to print them and keep a copy or save a copy electronic, it being understood that Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will send a copy by e-mail to each Consumer Customer together with the confirmation of the purchase order.

8.- Without prejudice to the provisions of article 49, paragraph 5 of the Consumer Code, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser may modify, at any time and without notice, the content of the General Conditions referred to in this document. Any changes made will be effective from the date of publication on the Site, as declared in the header of the General Conditions themselves, and, with the exception of the changes more favorable to the Customer, will be applicable only to the contractual proposals (or orders) of purchase sent by the Customer pursuant to art. 9 of these General Conditions after the date of publication.

Purchase procedure

9.- The Customer can purchase the products present in the electronic catalog of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, illustrated in detail on the home page of the Site within the respective sections by product category, as described in the relevant information sheets contained on the Site, respecting the procedures access techniques illustrated therein. The publication of the products and services displayed on the Site constitutes an invitation to the Customer to formulate a contractual purchase proposal. The order sent by the Customer has the value of a contractual proposal and implies full knowledge and full acceptance of these General Conditions.

10.- Correct receipt of the Client's proposal is confirmed by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser by means of an automatic reply sent to the email address supplied by the Client and only confirms the correct receipt of the proposal within the information systems. This confirmation message will indicate a 'Customer Order Number', to be used in any subsequent communication with Claudio Terrible Hairdresser. In addition to the information required by law, the message re-proposes all the data entered by the Customer, who undertakes to verify its correctness and to promptly communicate any corrections.

11.- Each order can be viewed by the Customer on the Site, in their personal area, immediately after sending the order. Until the time of fulfillment of the order by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser (communicated to the Customer by updating the information contained in his personal area) the Customer has the right to modify or cancel the order, exclusively through the specific functions of access and modification provided for in the aforementioned personal area.

12.- Each Purchase Agreement stipulated between Claudio Terrible Hairdresser and the Customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance of the order by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser. Claudio Terrible Hairdresser has the right to accept or not, at his discretion, the order sent by the Customer, without the latter being able to make claims or rights of any kind, for any reason, including compensation, in case of non-acceptance of the order. same. The acceptance of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is considered tacitly released, unless otherwise communicated to the Customer within 48 hours of sending the order, by means of an e-mail message sent to the address communicated by the Customer. After sending the confirmation response by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser,

13.- By sending the order, in the various ways provided for in the operating instructions of the Site, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure, and to fully accept the General Conditions and payment methods described below.

Product prices - delivery costs - product availability

14.- All product prices are clearly indicated on the Site and are inclusive of VAT and possibly the WEEE contribution where applicable. They do not include any additional and different taxes, duties or duties established by the relevant applicable legislation, such as those provided for in the matter of imports. If necessary, the Customer must therefore clear the imports and pay any duties and taxes (other than VAT) that may be due in the country of import.

15.- If a product is presented on the Site in areas other than the specific sections intended for product purchase operations or in any case without the "add to cart" icon, it is considered not available for sale through the Site.

16.- The prices and availability of the products, as shown on the Site, are subject to change at any time and without notice, it being understood that, limited to orders being accepted or as accepted above by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, the conditions of sale in force at the time the order is sent by the Customer, except for orders not accepted, as indicated in Article 12 above.

17.- The products available for shipment are highlighted on the Site. This availability and the relative delivery times of the products are merely indicative, as they are not updated in real time; moreover, in consideration of the possible simultaneous order on the Site of the same product by several Customers or of the possible order, by the same Customer, of several copies of the same product, the actual availability of the individual products may vary significantly during the same day with respect to the instructions on the Site. It being understood that the shipment will be made after payment notification. Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will deliver the purchased products in accordance with and subject to their actual availability.

18.- If the delivery times of the ordered product are delayed with respect to the delivery times indicated on the Site prior to the order, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser undertakes to promptly notify the Customer via an e-mail message to the address indicated by the Customer. Until the time of shipment by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, communicated to the Customer by updating the information contained in his personal area, the Customer has the right at any time to cancel the order or modify it, exclusively following the specific procedures and functions techniques reported in your personal area.

19.- The cost of each shipment, the amount of which may vary according to the method of delivery and payment as well as the country of destination and the total amount of the order, is added to the total price of each Purchase Agreement and is clearly indicated and communicated to the Customer, through the Site, before the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement; the aforementioned shipping cost will also be specified in the customer's personal area until the order has been processed.

20.- The visual representation of the products on the Site, where available, normally corresponds to the photographic image of the products themselves and has the sole purpose of presenting them for sale, without any guarantee or commitment, by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, about the exact correspondence of the image depicted on the Site with the real product; and this with particular regard to its real dimensions and / or the chromatic aspects of the covers and / or packages. In case of difference between the image and the written product sheet, the description of the product sheet always prevails.


21.- Payments in execution of the Purchase Contracts stipulated through the Site can be made exclusively through Claudio Terrible Hairdresser PAY PAL or CREDIT CARD, BANK TRASFER, SATISPAY. The Customer is required to choose, at the time of conclusion of the Purchase Agreement, the chosen payment method. The latter, once the Purchase Agreement has been completed through the acceptance of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, can no longer be changed.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Claudio Terrible Hairdresser encounters problems regarding the payment, he will notify the Customer without delay on the criticality found regarding the execution of the payment, proposing to use another means of payment among those accepted by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser. As an exception, it should be noted that in the event that the Customer has chosen to pay with PAY PAL (or CREDIT CARD, BANK TRASFER, SATISPAY), any critical issues encountered in the execution of the same will result in the cancellation of the order. This circumstance will be communicated to the Customer who will have to create a new order and indicate a different payment method.

Payments by credit card

22.- If the Customer proceeds to purchase the products with payment of the price by credit card, the reference bank will immediately check the validity of the credit card, but will charge the total amount corresponding to each Purchase Agreement only when, with reference to the Customer's order, the words "Ready for shipment" will appear on the Site's personal area, it being understood that no prior block will be made on the Customer's credit card of the sum equal to the price of the ordered product. In this payment case,

23.- The information relating to the buyer's credit card is transmitted via secure connection directly to the website of the bank that manages the transaction

24.- Claudio Terrible Hairdresser reserves the right to request additional information from the Customer at any time (e.g. the landline telephone number) necessary for the execution of the Purchase Agreement or the sending of copies of documents proving ownership of the credit card used for the completion of the Purchase Agreement. In the absence of the sending by the Customer of the information or additional documentation requested, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser reserves the right not to accept the order or to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement completed in the event that the requested information is not sent does not allow the execution of the order or the Contract, giving contextually motivated communication to the Customer at the e-mail address indicated by him.


* * * The provisions of articles 22, 23 and 24 of this section also apply, where compatible, to payment methods by credit card and PAY PAL.

Payments via PayPal

25. - If the Customer chooses PayPal as a means of payment, he will be redirected to the website www.paypal.it where he will pay for the products according to the procedure provided and governed by PayPal. The data entered on the PayPal site will be processed directly by the same and will not be transmitted or shared with Claudio Terrible Hairdresser

26. - In case of termination of the purchase contract and in any other case of reimbursement, for any reason, the amount of the reimbursement will be credited to the Customer's PayPal account. The timing of re-credit on the payment instrument connected to this account depends exclusively on PayPal and the banking system. Once the credit order has been placed in favor of this account, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser cannot be held responsible for any delays or omissions in crediting the Customer with the refund amount, to dispute which the Customer must contact PayPal directly.

27. - On the occasion of the first purchase, a particular procedure called "Reference Transaction" will be automatically activated, which - through an automatic recognition mechanism of the Customer - will allow him to conclude any subsequent orders with Paypal without having to enter his credentials again. The Customer may deactivate the "Reference Transaction" at any time by going to the specific section 3.1 (Cancellation of recurring payments) of the Paypal website (https://www.paypal.com/it/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full).

Payment upon delivery of the products

28.- The payment of the products purchased together with the delivery of the same (hereinafter, Cash on delivery) is a payment method that is not currently provided.

29.- Nothing more than what has been agreed in the Purchase Agreement will be due by the Customer to the courier upon delivery of the products.

30.- In case of non-payment by the Customer of the agreed price for any reason or cause, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will invite the Customer in writing to settle the balance and will have the right to charge the Customer an interest on arrears equal to the amount required by law; in this case, until the moment in which the Customer has regularized his debt position with Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, the latter also reserves the right to cancel any subsequent deliveries of products, to terminate any existing Purchase Contracts as well as to block the purchase functions through the Site, without prejudice to the compensation of any further damage.

Deliveries and documentation

31.- All product deliveries will be at the risk of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser. The risk will be transferred to the Customer upon delivery of the products to the Customer, or to a third party designated by the forwarder, carrier or other agent appointed by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser for delivery.

32.- Claudio Terrible Hairdresser may receive, through the Site, purchase orders with deliveries all over the world. The shipping costs will be calculated automatically by the Site and will be viewable and known by the Customer before sending the order. They vary from country to country and for Italy they may also vary according to the chosen payment method. It also reserves the right where the choice becomes complicated, the shipment for any reason.

33.- Without prejudice to the provisions of article 17 above, no responsibility, for any reason, can be charged by the Customer to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser in case of delay in the order fulfillment or in the delivery of the products covered by the Contracts of Purchase determined by causes not attributable to the conduct of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser.

34.- For each Purchase Agreement completed through the Site, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will issue an invoice relating to the products stating that “The above fee is not subject to VAT pursuant to art. 5 c.1 Presidential Decree 633/72. " For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order is valid. No change in the invoice will be possible after the issuance of the same nor will it be possible to issue an invoice after the order has been processed to Customers who have not provided their VAT number when ordering.

35.- Unless otherwise communicated to the Customer by the Customer Service of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, the delivery of the products is intended at street level. Upon delivery of the products by the courier appointed by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, the Customer is required to check (a) that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document and (b) that the packaging is intact , not damaged or otherwise altered, even in the closing materials.

36.- Any damage to the packaging and / or products or the mismatch in the number of packages or information must be immediately contested by the Customer, putting the words “ACCEPTED WITH RESERVE” on the courier's delivery receipt. Furthermore, the Customer undertakes to promptly report - and in any case no later than 8 (eight) days from the date of delivery - to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser (by sending a message via the "Contacts" page) any and all problems relating to physical integrity , to the correspondence or completeness of the products received For the Consumer Customer, the terms set out in article 45 and following of these General Conditions will apply.

37.- In order to deliver the ordered products, the presence of the Customer or his representative is always required in the place indicated by the same and on the day of expected delivery. In case of absence of the Customer (or one of his appointees), the courier will leave a second delivery notice for the next working day and a telephone number to be able to agree on a different delivery date. If the second delivery attempt is also unsuccessful, the purchase order is considered canceled and the products will be returned to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser. In the latter case, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will reimburse the Customer, if he has made the payment by credit card,

38.- Cases of force majeure, unavailability of means of transport, as well as unforeseeable or inevitable events that cause a delay in deliveries or make deliveries difficult or impossible or that cause a significant increase in the cost of delivery charged to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will entitle to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser to split, postpone or cancel, in whole or in part, the expected delivery or to terminate the Purchase Agreement. In such cases, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will provide timely and adequate communication of his decisions to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer and the latter will have the right to a refund of any price already paid, excluding any further claim, for any reason, against Claudio Terrible Hairdresser.

Right of withdrawal

41.- The Consumer Customer has the right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement for any reason and without the need to provide explanations within 14 days from the date of receipt of the products, subject to compliance with the procedures indicated below.

42.- In the event that the Consumer Customer intends to exercise the right of free withdrawal pursuant to Article 38 above, the Consumer Customer must complete and send the following e-mail address ( info@colorimetriapplicata.com ) the type form withdrawal available at the following link or any other explicit declaration of your decision to withdraw from the contract. Furthermore, the Consumer Customer may, alternatively, electronically fill in and send the withdrawal form or any other explicit

declaration through the Site or access your personal area of ​​the Site, select the order to be returned, click on the "request return" button and follow the instructions on the Site. If the Consumer Customer chooses these options for the electronic sending of notices of withdrawal, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will send the latter, without delay, a confirmation of receipt of the withdrawal via e-mail. As regards digital products, please refer to the provisions of article 3.6 of the “General Conditions for the Supply of the“ E-Book ”Service. In the event that there are some form of defect on the part of digital products (e-books only), they can contact the platformwww.youcanprintwhich is edited directly and report the problems to the latter. Claudio Terrible Hairdresser sells one of his products of which he is the author with full rights but is not the publisher and manager of the digital product supplied to him.

43.- The return must be made by the Customer, through the shipment of the products covered by the withdrawal, by courier of his choice. The products must be shipped no later than 14 days from the date on which the customer communicated his decision to withdraw from the contract to the following address Claudio Terrible Hairdresser - via due giugno, 17 Battipaglia (SA) - 84091 - Italy.

The direct costs of returning the goods will be borne by the customer.

44.-For the valid exercise of the aforementioned right of withdrawal, the Consumer Customer must comply with the following conditions and methods:

• the withdrawal may also apply limitedly to individual products forming the subject of a single Purchase Agreement, it being understood that the withdrawal applies to the product in its entirety and that is, the Consumer Customer cannot exercise the withdrawal limited to a part of the single product purchased (eg only one Compact Disc present in a box);

• the products forming the subject of Purchase Contracts in relation to which the Consumer Customer has exercised the right of withdrawal must be intact and will be returned in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including the packaging and any documentation accessory); in particular, if the products consist of audiovisual products or magazines, the packaging seals and / or SIAE marks must not be broken or removed;

• in compliance with the instructions received from Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, the Consumer Customer will provide, at his own exclusive charge and care in the case of free withdrawal pursuant to the previous article 38 of these General Conditions and at the exclusive responsibility of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, in the case of withdrawal for defective or non-compliant product, for the shipment and return of the products to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser;

• if the returned product is damaged during transport, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will only be required to notify the Consumer Customer of the incident in order to allow him to promptly file a complaint against the courier chosen by him, against whom (and / or of the relevant insurance company) claim.

45.- Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is not responsible in any way for theft or loss of returned products; any related risk therefore remains the sole responsibility of the Consumer Customer

46.- Once the integrity of the returned product has been verified, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will refund the Consumer Customer the full amount paid for the products referred to in the Purchase Agreement subject to withdrawal as well as any shipping costs incurred within 14 days from the return of the products themselves or from the date on which the Consumer Customer has demonstrated that he has returned the Products, depending on which situation occurs first.

In case of damage to the returned products The Consumer Customer is only responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods within the limits of the provisions of Article 57 , paragraph 2, of the Consumer Code.

The Consumer Customer expressly agrees that the aforementioned refunds will be made by transferring the amount charged to the Credit Card indicated by the Consumer Customer or by bank transfer, in accordance with the related instructions and bank details that will be indicated by the same Consumer Customer.

47.- In any case of failure to comply with the conditions and methods of exercising the withdrawal provided for in Article 41 above as well as in the event of damage to the products for reasons other than their transport even if different from the cases provided for in Article 57, paragraph 2 of the Consumer Code, the Purchase Agreement will remain valid and effective and Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will return the unduly returned products to the Customer Consumer, charging the related shipping costs to the same.

Legal guarantee of conformity

48.- Until the term of two years from the delivery of the products, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is responsible towards the Consumer Customers, in accordance with art. 130 and 132 of the Consumer Code, of any lack of conformity of existing products at the time of delivery, with particular regard to products resulting defective or damaged.

49.- The Consumer Customer loses the rights recognized to him by art. 130, paragraph 2, of the Consumer Code if you do not report the lack of conformity detected to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser within 2 (two) months from the date on which you discovered the defect.

50.- Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will make every diligent effort to replace at his own expense, with other products of the same quality and title available in his warehouses, those delivered products that are damaged or defective, provided that they have been returned by the Customer in the original packaging (complete with all the parts that compose it). If the replacement with the same product is not possible (for example, due to the product being out of print), Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will refund the Customer the amount paid for the defective product, excluding any further liability of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, in any capacity.

Communications and Complaints

51.- All communications or any complaints from the Customer against Claudio Terrible Hairdresser in relation to the Purchase Contracts must be addressed to the Customer Service responsible for managing the Site, by filling in the "E-Shop" form on https://www.colorimetriapplicata.com/e-shop

Intellectual Property Rights

52.- All trademarks (registered or not), as well as any and all intellectual work, distinctive sign or denomination, image, photograph, written or graphic text and more generally any other intangible asset protected by laws and international conventions in the field of intellectual property and industrial property reproduced on the Site remain the exclusive property of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser and / or its assignors, without the Customer having any right to the access to the Site and / or the stipulation of the Purchase Contracts. same. Any use, even partial, of the same is prohibited without the prior written authorization of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, in favor of which all related rights are exclusively reserved.

Applicable law - Jurisdiction

53.- The Purchase Agreement between the Customer and Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law.

Processing of personal data (privacy)

55.- For the regulation of the processing of personal data by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, please refer to the specifically dedicated area of ​​the site accessible at the following address: https://www.colorimetriapplicata.com/policy

Out-of-court dispute resolution and Code of Ethics

56. - The Consumer Customer has the right to promote the out-of-court resolution of disputes relating to the consumer relationship with the bodies set up by the chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture pursuant to the law of 29 December 1993, n. 580 as well as to resort to the mediation procedures referred to in Legislative Decree 28/2010 and subsequent amendments, under the conditions laid down by the body chosen by the Client who will administer this procedure. Without prejudice to the possibility of using the voluntary and joint negotiation procedures provided for by art. 2, paragraph 2, of the aforementioned legislative decree, as well as the complaint procedures provided for by the service charters.

57. - Pursuant to article 49 lett. p) of the Consumer Code Claudio Terrible Hairdresser informs the Consumer Customer about the existence of the Code of Ethics adopted by the company and available at the following link


1. Introduction - Effectiveness of the General Conditions

1.1- These General Conditions of Supply of the "E-BOOK" Service (hereinafter, the Conditions of E-Book Supply) integrate the aforementioned general conditions of sale with reference to transactions that have as their object the supply of the download service to payment or, as applicable, the provision of the free download service (hereinafter, the aforementioned services, jointly, the Service or, sometimes, the Download) of one or more files in digital format containing literary, dramatic, intellectual works scientific, didactic (hereinafter, the E-Books), made and made available, via the internet, from the website www.colorimetriapplicata.com (hereinafter, the Site).

1.3.- Professional pursuant to article 3, paragraph 1 letter c) of the Consumer Code is Claudio Terrible Hairdresser via due giugno, 17 Battipaglia (SA) - 84091 - Italy / VAT number 05331900653.

1.4.- All E-Books Downloads made through the Site by registered users who access it (hereinafter, the Customers) are governed by these E-Book Supply Conditions as well as by the other provisions and operating instructions contained on the Site.

1.5.- The E-Book Service is only available to, and the E-Books can only be purchased by, natural persons who request the Service offered by the Site for any purpose unrelated to any commercial or professional activity and therefore are consumer customers according to the definition established by the Italian Consumer Code (hereinafter "Customer").

2. Modifications

Without prejudice to the provisions of article 49, paragraph 5 of the Consumer Code, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser may modify, at any time and without notice, the content of the E-Book Supply Conditions referred to in this document. Any changes made will be effective from the date of publication on the Site, as declared in the header of the same E-Book Supply Conditions and will be applicable only to contractual proposals (or to purchase orders) (or, as applicable, to requests for free supply of E-Books) sent by the Customer after the date of their entry into effect except for the changes more favorable to the Customers which, except for objective reasons of technical impossibility,

3. Procedures for concluding orders relating to the provision of the Service and right of withdrawal

3.1.- The Customer can access the Service relating to the purchase and download of the E-Books present on the Site, within the respective section where, for each E-Book, there is an information sheet indicating the technical characteristics of each E -Book and in particular the format and the consequent methods and limits of consultation. The publication of the E-Books displayed on the Site constitutes an invitation to the Customer to formulate a contractual proposal for the provision of the Service. L'

3.2.- The correct receipt of the Customer's proposal (concerning both the paid supply of the E-Books and the free supply of the same) is confirmed by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser through an automatic reply sent to the web page of the Site from which the Customer operates in order to access the Service as well as from an automatic reply sent to the e-mail address supplied by the Customer. The response from Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is generated automatically by the Site system, it does not constitute acceptance of the Customer's proposal and only confirms the correct receipt of the proposal within the information systems and informs the Customer about the next steps, step by step, of the Service provision procedure, until the Download is completed.

3.3.- Each Download order (concerning both the paid supply of the E-Books and the free supply of the same) can be viewed by the Customer on the Site, on their personal page, shortly after sending the order. . Until the moment the Customer presses the “Complete the purchase” button, he has the right to modify or cancel the order, exclusively through the specific access and modification functions provided for in the aforementioned personal page. After pressing the "Complete the purchase" button, the order can no longer be canceled or modified.

3.4.- Each agreement for the supply (for a fee or free of charge) of E-Book stipulated between Claudio Terrible Hairdresser and the Customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance of the order by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser. Claudio Terrible Hairdresser has the right to accept or not, at its discretion, the order sent by the Customer, without the latter being able to make claims or rights of any kind, for any reason, including compensation, in case of non-acceptance of the order itself. The acceptance of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is considered tacitly released, unless otherwise communicated to the Customer within 48 hours of sending the order, by means of an e-mail message sent to the address communicated by the Customer.

3.5.- Access to the Service presupposes the availability by the Customer of hardware and software devices suitable for the correct functioning of the Service itself. The lack (or the lack of purchase by the Customer) of the above devices determines the impossibility for the Customer to use the Service, without any responsibility being ascribed to Claudio Terrible Hairdresser.


3.6 Pursuant to article 59 lett. o) of the Consumer Code since the supply Service has as its object a digital content through a non-material support, the Customer accepts that the right to withdraw from an order relating to an E-Book can no longer be exercised after clicking the button "Complete the purchase" and the execution of the Service has already begun.

4. Availability and conservation of E-Books

4.1.- If an E-Book is presented on the Site in areas other than the specific sections intended for the purchase of the Service or in any case without the "add to cart" icon, it is considered not available for the provision of the Service through the Site .

4.2. The prices and availability of the E-Books, as shown on the Site, are subject to change at any time and without notice, it being understood that, limited to orders being accepted or as accepted above by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, the Conditions will apply. of Supply in force at the time the order is sent by the Customer. However, for technical reasons not dependent on the will of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, it may happen that between the time of the customer's order and the Download a specific E-Books becomes no longer available. In this case, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser will notify the Customer via e-mail as soon as possible and the Customer's order for the specific Ebook concerned will be automatically canceled.

4.3. - After paying the price or in any case completing the procedure in the case of free e-books, the Site issues an order confirmation with a unique order number that will allow the Customer to access the Download page of the -Book. Once the Download of the E-Book has been completed, the latter resides in the computer or in other devices of the Customer like any other digital file and the Customer is only allowed to exercise the rights and faculties of use expressly authorized, for each E- Book, by the respective publisher, as indicated on the Site under the heading "Product Sheet" of each E-Book. In any case, it is at least allowed for the Customer, for each E-Book,

4.4.- The E-Books are made available to the Customer through the Service solely on the basis of a personal license to the Customer, which cannot be transferred to third parties. The Customer also acknowledges and accepts that, by choice of their suppliers and licensors to whom Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is unrelated, some E-Books are equipped with DRM (Digital Rights Management) systems which involve the adoption of protection technologies or control digital information, suitable for limiting, controlling or preventing some forms of use of E-Books or the use of the same in certain territories or for certain periods of time. The Site indicates with reference to each E-books the relative information about the aforementioned limitations to the use of the E-Book possibly established by the suppliers and licensors of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser. The Customer therefore undertakes to use the E-Books in full compliance and in compliance with the aforementioned limitations of use as well as not to violate in any way the DRM systems as may be affixed above.

4.5.- Without prejudice to the foregoing, any use of the E-Book is limited and limited to private use by the Customer only, excluding any commercial use. In particular, the provision of the E-Book does not transfer to the Customer any right of commercial or promotional use of the E-Books. Any potential for burning or exporting represents only a facility for the Customer and does not constitute a concession, a waiver or other limitation of any right of the copyright holders for any content incorporated in any E-Book.

4.6. Each E-Book can be downloaded by the Customer only in accordance with these Conditions and cannot be replaced if it has been lost for any reason. Once the E-Book is downloaded, it is the Client's sole responsibility not to lose, destroy or damage it.

5. Prices and payments

5.1.- All the download prices of the individual E-Books are clearly indicated on the Site and are inclusive of VAT and any other applicable tax (including the WEEE contribution where applicable).

5.2.- Payments for individual downloads can only be made by credit card or Pay Pal, the Customer is required to choose the chosen payment method at the time of the conclusion of the procedure for providing the Service.

5.3.- If the Customer requests the provision of the Service with payment of the price by credit card, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser reserves the right to immediately check the validity of the credit card provided that the corresponding total amount will be charged each Ebook will only take place at the conclusion of the purchase.

5.4.- For the sole purpose of greater protection and safety of the Customer, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser reserves the right to request additional information from the Customer at any time (e.g. the landline phone number) or to send copies of documents proving the ownership of the credit card used to complete the Download. In the absence of the sending by the Customer of the information or additional documentation requested, Claudio Terrible Hairdresser reserves the right not to accept the order by giving simultaneous communication to the Customer at the e-mail address indicated by him.

6. Responsibility

6.1.- The functionality of the Service is subject to the correct use of the same by the Customer according to the instructions and methods indicated on the Site in the documents called "Buying eBooks" on the site.

6.2.- Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is not able to exercise any control over the E-Books that may be made available with the use of the Service and therefore does not guarantee in any way that these are offensive, obscene, defamatory or, in any case, illegal or harmful to the rights of third parties. Claudio Terrible Hairdresser can in no case be held responsible for the material contained in the E-Books or, even indirectly, associated with them, to which access has been gained through the Service.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

7.1.- All trademarks (registered or not), as well as any and all intellectual work, distinctive sign or denomination, image, photograph, written or graphic text and more generally any other intangible asset protected by laws and international conventions in the matter of intellectual property and industrial property reproduced on the Site remain the exclusive property of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser and / or its assignors, without any rights deriving from the access to the Site and / or from the stipulation of the Service supply contracts. on the same. Any use, even partial, of the same is prohibited without the prior written authorization of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, in favor of which all related rights are exclusively reserved.

7.2.- The property, the rights of use and commercial exploitation and, in any case, all rights, including copyrights, in any way inherent to the Service and to each Ebook are and will remain the exclusive property of Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, or of the giving them cause. The Service and the content of the E-Books are protected by the laws in force on copyright and any other applicable legislation.

7.3 - Some of the literary works offered by the Service have been identified as being in the public domain by certain content providers. Claudio Terrible Hairdresser does not verify the accuracy of the names in the public domain and are therefore not responsible for any damage that may arise from the download or other use of such literary works by the Customer. If the Client does not reside in the jurisdiction for which the public domain name was made, it will be his

your responsibility to check the laws of your country of residence before downloading or accessing such literary works.

8. Obligations of the Customer

8.1.- The use of the Service and the E-Books is strictly personal and cannot be intended for commercial use. It is forbidden to use the Service to provide in turn a service, or part of a service, or an application or part of an application to third parties. In particular, the distribution, transmission or making available of the Service to third parties is not permitted.

8.2.- The Customer undertakes to indemnify Claudio Terrible Hairdresser from any loss, damage, liability, negative consequence or expense in any way connected to complaints against the Customer due to the fact that he has in any way used materials or products in connection with the Service or with E-Books in violation of any applicable law, third party rights or the terms of these E-Book Service Supply Conditions.

9. Communications and Complaints

All communications or any complaints from the Customer towards Claudio Terrible Hairdresser regarding the Service must be addressed to the Customer Service in the complaints section or to the email address info@colorimetriapplicata.com

10 Applicable law - Jurisdiction

10.1.- The Service between the Customer and Claudio Terrible Hairdresser is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law.

10.2- Disputes with customers will be the responsibility of the judicial authority of the place of residence or domicile of the customer.

11 Processing of personal data (privacy)

For the regulation of the processing of personal data by Claudio Terrible Hairdresser, please refer to the privacy page.



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