Color harmony is the science that allows us to identify the colors that best reflect our person, both in relation to the outfit, make-up and hair. Honored to share our passion with other colleagues in the course to be held in Madrid on January 17, 2023 in the Insituto IES Barrio of Bilbao.
Directly from Mexico the International Colorist and Makeup Artist Vanessa Rivera and from Italy the Expert Colorist and writer of several books on colorimetry Claudio Terribile. Both are dedicated to the world of both national and international training by imparting their own experiences and knowledge.
Special thanks to Professor Rosa Anton and the IES Institute for hosting this training day on color, cut and color harmony content, thus starting the new year with a special event.
Vanessa Rivera (Mexico)
International Colorist and Make-up Artist
Claudio Terribile
International Writer and Trainer
Rosa Anton
IES teacher